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Cytiva Whatman™ Grade GB003 Blotting Paper

Ensures that no contamination will occur during the transfer steps. Whatman™ Grade GB003 Blotting Paper eliminates sheet to sheet variations with precisely cut membrane sizes.

Brand:  Cytiva 10427806

19.21 EUR valid until 2025-12-31
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Product Code. 12425272

  • € 22.65 / Pack of 100
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Ensures that no contamination will occur during the transfer steps. Whatman™ Grade GB003 Blotting Paper eliminates sheet to sheet variations with precisely cut membrane sizes.

Pure cellulose produced entirely from the highest quality cotton linters with no additives of any kind. Ensures that no contamination will occur during the transfer steps
  • Manufactured and tested specifically for chromatographic and blotting techniques. This ensures the wicking capability and uniformity of capillary action that are important in obtaining clean and even transfers during blotting
  • Whatman 3MM Chr is considered the industry standard for blotting procedures
  • Convenient sizes available in sheets precisely cut to the most popular gel and transfer membrane sizes. Allows “out-of-the-box” usage and eliminates sheet-to-sheet variations.


7 cm
General purpose paper used as membrane gel support
2.8 in.
0.8 mm
10 cm
3.9 in.
Pure Cellulose
7 x 10 cm
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Cytiva Whatman™ Grade GB003 Blotting Paper > Size: 7 x 10cm

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