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Cytiva GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit

Amplify whole genomes with high efficiency and representation. Cytiva Life Sciences™ illustra™ GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit provides whole genome amplification with yields of 4 to 7μg.

Brand:  Cytiva 25-6600-31

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Product Code. 10628505

  • € 611.00 / Pack of 100

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Includes: Sample buffer, Reaction buffer, Enzyme mix, and Lambda control DNA (10ng/μL)
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  • Starting material can be purified DNA or nonpurified cell lysates
  • Simple protocol provides typical yields of 4 to 7μg DNA and average product lengths >10kb
  • Less hands-on time compared to traditional isolation methods
  • Representative amplification of the whole genome
  • Automation-friendly protocol with great reproducibility
  • High-quality DNA for array CGH, high-throughput genotyping, DNA archival, PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, hybridization, and cloning
  • Contains all of the components necessary for genomic DNA preparation by isothermal strand displacement amplification



Store the kit at -70°C.The enzyme mix must be stored at -70°C; all other components may be stored at -20°C. Thaw components on ice and maintain at 0°C to 4°C during handling.
Genomic DNA Amplification
> 10 kb
Illustra GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit offers highly efficient and representative whole-genome amplification with 4 to 7 μg yield from nanogram amounts of DNA sample.
0.9mL Sample Buffer, 0.9mL Reaction Buffer, 100μL Enzyme mix, 20μL Control DNA (lambda)
illustra GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit
1.5-2 h
Product Suggestions

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Safety and Handling

Safety and Handling

Product Identifier
  • GenomiPhi v2 DNA Amplification Kit, 100 reactions

Hazard Statement
  • EUH210-Safety data sheet available on request.

Supplemental information
  • UNKNOWN ACUTE-1.5 per cent of the mixture consists of component(s) of unknown acute toxicity.
  • UNKNOWN AQUATIC-Contains 1.5% of components with unknown hazards to the aquatic environment.



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Cytiva GenomiPhi V2 DNA Amplification Kit > 100 rxns

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