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Gibco™ Lab Armor™ Beads

Small, non-uniform metal beads comprised of dry, metallic thermal alloy for use in water baths designed to replace water in a water bath or ice in an ice bucket.

Brand:  Gibco™ A1254302

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Product Code. 10612160

  • € 756.00 / Each
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  • Maintains uniform temperature better than water by transferring heat more slowly
  • Can remain "always-on" and ready to use
  • Bottles and tubes stay in place without need for racks, weights and floats
  • Removes need for water bath maintenance such as emptying, cleaning and refilling bath
  • Eliminates risk of contamination from standing water in water bath
  • No condensation seen around caps and incubating bottles removed from dry bath
  • Environmentally responsible alternative to water
  • More energy efficient than water
  • Draws less energy when run at 37 and 65°C
  • Made from recyclable material that can be cleaned with ethanol, eliminating need for water bath germicides that can harm the environment
  • Store at 15 to 30°C (shipped under ambient conditions)


Reflective, Inert, Smooth
8 L
Room Temperature
Storage conditions: 15 – 30°C
Shipping conditions: Ambient
-80°C to +180°C
Energy efficient
Volume: 8 L
5 mm poly-disperse
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.