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Cytiva Gel Filtration Calibration Kits

Calibrate gel filtration columns simply, reliably. Cytiva Life Sciences™ Gel Filtration Calibration Kits contain a well-defined series of protein standards.

Brand:  Cytiva 28-4038-42

636.50 EUR valid until 2025-02-21
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Product Code. 10196234

  • € 670.00 / 1 set
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  • Optimized range of proteins suited to high-resolution media and prepacked columns
  • Each kit contains five vials of lyophilized proteins
  • Blue Dextran 2000 included to determine the void fraction of the column



Calibration Kit
50mg Ovalbumin (43,000 Mr), 50mg Conalbumin (75,000 Mr), 50mg Aldolase (158,000 Mr), 15mg Ferritin (440,000 Mr), 50mg Thyroglobulin (669,000 Mr), 50mg Blue Dextran (2,000,000 Mr)
2° to 8°C
High-resolution media and prepacked column
Calibration of high-resolution gel filtration media and column such as Superdex™, Superose and Sephacryl
43,000 to 669,000
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