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Cole-Parmer™ Bacti-Cinerator IV Infrared Sterilizer

Sterilize items by incinerating organic materials using infrared heat. Cole-Parmer™ Bacti-Cinerator IV Infrared Sterilizer requires only 5-7 seconds for optimum sterilization at 1500°F.

Brand:  Cole-Parmer™ 01850-24

Product Code. 10180730

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Sterilize items by incinerating organic materials using infrared heat. Cole-Parmer™ Bacti-Cinerator IV Infrared Sterilizer requires only 5-7 seconds for optimum sterilization at 1500°F.

  • Uses infrared heat to incinerate organic material deep within the ceramic funnel
  • Sterilizes platinum loops and needles safely and conveniently
  • Prevents infectious spatter and cross contamination
  • Sterilization takes only 5 to 7 seconds at optimum sterilizing temperature of 1500°F
  • Unit can be used in anaerobic chambers
  • This product is not approved or intended for, and should not be used for medical, clinical, surgical or other patient oriented applications


Bacterial Incinerator/Infrared Sterilizer
50/60 Hz
Infrared heat
5 to 7 sec.
220 VAC


Sicherheitsdatenblatt (SDS)




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Cole-Parmer™ Bacti-Cinerator IV Infrared Sterilizer > Sterilization Time: 5 - 7sec.

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