Understanding Sustainability and the Role Glove Manufacturers Should Have
Understanding Sustainability and the Role Glove Manufacturers Should Have
Environmental consciousness and sustainable practices have come to represent a growing and important aspect of doing business across industries, including the life sciences sector. This industry is adopting strategies to enable forward-thinking efforts and initiatives to ensure that it can reduce its environmental impact and meet societal goals for sustainability and transparency.
"Glove manufacturing is currently both energy-intensive and water-intensive. However, with ambitious and action-oriented goals, glove manufacturing can be decoupled from resource constraints and aligned with the low-carbon economy."
What is Sustainability Today?
While the word "sustainability" is commonly used in relation to the environment, the United Nations (U.N.) definition, "Meeting the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs," speaks to a much broader concept. Sustainability is about creating meaningful economic, environmental, and social value, both today and in the future. Healthcare has a direct role in sustainability, referenced by the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing). The challenge for the healthcare and life sciences industries is to achieve this goal whilst also having a positive impact on the other goals for people and planet.
The Significance of Sustainable Practice in Making Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Shining a light on the manufacture of PPE reveals the significance of thinking about sustainability. The life sciences sector currently consumes a large number of single-use products every day. This makes it an intensive consumer of energy and resources and currently leads to significant quantities of waste. Some consumption is essential, for example PPE gloves are integral to hygiene and infection and contamination control. Glove manufacturing is currently both energy-intensive and water-intensive. However, with ambitious and action-oriented goals, glove manufacturing can be decoupled from resource constraints and aligned with the low-carbon economy.
Taking Measurable Action Towards Sustainability
Companies like Mölnlycke Health Care, a world leading MedTech company, have recognized the urgency of embracing sustainability and have made it a core component of the company’s strategy. For Mölnlycke, sustainability comprises three focus areas: 1. Adopting a green mindset, including embracing the U.N. Paris Agreement objectives to reduce the effects of climate change; 2. Creating and maintaining value-adding responsible relationships with all stakeholders, from customers to patients and employees to suppliers; and 3. Conducting business in an ethical and compliant manner1.
Mölnlycke has recognized the opportunity to secure its future growth and competitiveness through the transition to a low-carbon economy and therefore measures its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its entire value chain (Scope 1, 2, and 3). Mölnlycke's near-term GHG emission reduction targets submitted to the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) have been validated and deemed to be compliant with all applicable requirements. Specifically, Mölnlycke has committed to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 from a 2021 base year, to increase active annual sourcing of renewable electricity from 23% in 2021 to 100% by 2024, and to continue sourcing of 100% renewable electricity through 2030. Furthermore, the company committed to reducing absolute scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, fuel and energy-related activities, and upstream transportation and distribution, as well as waste generated in operations, by 20% by 2028 from a 2021 base year. Finally, Mölnlycke committed that 63% of its suppliers by emissions, covering purchased goods and services, capital goods, and upstream transportation and distribution, will have set science-based targets by 20281.
Optimising Gloves’ Environmental Performance
Life cycle assessment (LCA) shapes the company’s main approach to sustainability in product development. In 2022, a full third-party verified LCA for the Biogel™ Surgical Glove range2 showed that nearly half of the global warming potential of a pair of Biogel gloves comes from Mölnlycke's own manufacturing. Therefore, a key aspect of Mölnlycke's sustainability drive is to make progress on energy intensity, water management, waste and hazardous substance reduction, and efficient manufacturing processes during the entirety of the glove production process1. By replacing fossil or virgin raw materials with 'safe' materials from renewable, recycled sources Mölnlcyke is further reducing the environmental impact of its glove production and contributing to the preservation of natural resources. In the construction of its new gloves plant, inaugurated in September 2022, Mölnlycke embedded sustainability through decision-guiding principles, including measures for optimization of energy and water consumption1. Optimized operations, smarter equipment, and smarter buildings can also contribute to improved safety and well-being of employees.
At the other end of the life cycle, Mölnlycke has implemented rigorous waste management strategies in its manufacturing processes. The company has a zero-waste to landfill target for all production by 2030. Furthermore, the production waste management program aims to avoid the creation of waste in the first place, while at the same time minimizing waste to landfill by maximizing reuse and recycling. Beyond Mölnlycke operations, there is a target to provide Mölnlycke-made products in >95 percent recyclable packaging by 2030 to minimize customer and end-user waste. By optimising production methods and recycling initiatives, Mölnlycke can help reduce the overall GHG footprint associated with glove manufacturing and promote the circular economy1. At the heart of achieving these goals is the importance of transparency and collaboration. Engaging with stakeholders including customers, suppliers, and regulatory bodies fosters a culture of sustainability and, more importantly, enables the co-creation of solutions that deliver measurable sustainability improvements throughout the value chain.
Sustainability Leadership: More Than a Buzzword
Mölnlycke’s purpose to "revolutionize care for people and planet" clearly signals the company’s commitment to using business as a force for good. Its strategic ambition to become a global leader in sustainable healthcare further demonstrates that sustainability is a key business driver for growth, innovation and productivity, and an essential part of Mölnlycke’s employee value proposition1. Mölnlycke’s sustainability performance is independently verified by business sustainability ratings organizations, such as EcoVadis and CDP, and accredited bodies that certify ISO compliance1 .
- Mölnlycke Annual Report 2023. pp 90-139. www.molnlycke.com/globalassets/corporate/molnlycke-annual-report-2023-digital-1.pdf
- Ramboll, 2022: Life Cycle Assessment of Surgical Gloves. Third-Party Review: Miljögiraff AB, 2022.

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