SureTRACE Program Frequently Asked Questions
Browse our frequently asked questions to learn more about the SureTRACE program and all its benefits.
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- About SureTRACE
What is the SureTRACE program?
The Fisher Scientific SureTRACE program helps you move from research and early-stage drug development to production. When you purchase products featuring the SureTRACE icon
, you are guaranteed access to related documents for each lot number, such as certificates of analysis, quality, sterility or compliance, and advance notice of changes impacting products through our Product Change Notification (PCN) service. This quick and easy access to documentation is available to you as soon as your products ship, saving you both time and energy.
What do you mean by traceability?
Designated SureTRACE products that are part of our offering will provide you with traceability. By this, we mean any products that feature the SureTRACE icon
will provide:
• Guaranteed access to associated certificates
• Supplier notifications of changes impacting the quality and supply of products
• Minimal lots per shipment
How can I identify a SureTRACE product on the Fisher Scientific website?
Look for the SureTRACE icon
to easily identify SureTRACE products on our website. Watch our SureTRACE video to find out more.
How do you select suppliers and products for the SureTRACE program?
• The Fisher Scientific channel has carefully selected key supplier partners to participate in the SureTRACE program based on their capabilities to support the requirement for quick and easy access to certificates and change notifications. Our suppliers are a critical element of the supply chain, and we are dedicated to using risk management principles to find and maintain relationships with them through our SureTRACE program.
• The selection of products and suppliers will continue to expand with many more recognised brands to be added throughout the year. Learn more about our Supplier Partnerships.
Can I purchase a product featuring the SureTRACE icon
even if I don’t want to receive change notifications or certificates?
Yes, products that feature the SureTRACE icon
are available with the added convenience of easy access to certificates for assigned lot numbers and proactive change notifications. However, if you do not wish to receive change notifications, simply select No to opt out of this service when prompted. Certificates for SureTRACE products will still be available as this service doesn’t require your enrollment. Watch our SureTRACE video to find out more.
Is it possible to access certificates and receive change notifications for products without the SureTRACE icon
If the product you are interested in purchasing does not feature the SureTRACE icon
, please contact our Production Solutions Team.
Do you offer additional services through the SureTRACE program?
Yes, you can upgrade to our SureTRACE+ program, which offers you everything from the SureTRACE program, plus enhanced security of supply and custom logistics tailored to your evolving business needs. Our value-added SureTRACE+ program is fully customized and tailored to your requirements. Contact our Production Solutions Team to learn more.
Who is part of the Production Solutions Team?
The Production Solutions Team is comprised of dedicated Fisher Scientific colleagues that support the SureTRACE+ program. They manage and support your individual requirements. If you would like to learn more about our SureTRACE+ program, please contact our Production Solutions Team.
Can I order SureTRACE products if I don’t have a Fisher Scientific website account?
To have the very best experience on the Fisher Scientific website, you’ll need to create an account and always ensure that you are signed in, even when you’re just browsing. You can purchase SureTRACE products without an account as a guest user, but you will not be able to opt-in to change notifications. If you wish to receive change notifications, please create a Fisher Scientific website account. Visit our Help & Support Center for more information.
Who can I contact if I need more information about SureTRACE?
If you need more information about the Fisher Scientific SureTRACE program, please contact our Production Solutions Team.
- Product Certificates
How do I find certificates for SureTRACE products?
Once the SureTRACE product you’ve ordered ships, certificates for the assigned lot numbers can be accessed from your Account Dashboard and the Order Details page. Watch our SureTRACE video to find out more.
What types of certificates are available with a SureTRACE product?
Certificates for SureTRACE products include but are not limited to:
• Certificates of analysis
• Certificates of compliance
• Certificates of quality
• Certificates of sterility
Certificates are available for all SureTRACE products, but the type of certificates available will depend on the product. To find a list of available certificates visit the web product page of the SureTRACE item you are interested in.
Are BSE/TSE statements available with a SureTRACE product?
If you require a BSE/TSE statement for a SureTRACE product please contact your local Customer Service Team
How can I find product certificates if they don’t appear on my Account Dashboard or the Order Details page?
Certificates will only be visible on your Account Dashboard or the Order Details page for designated SureTRACE items once the product has shipped. If, for any reason, certificates for a SureTRACE product you’ve purchased are not available, please use our Product Certificates Search. Enter the catalogue number and lot number (optional), select the document type and click Search. If you need additional assistance, please contact your local Customer Service Team.
Can the certificates for SureTRACE products be emailed to me?
The certificates for SureTRACE products are only available and accessible through the Account Dashboard, Order Details page or Product Certificates Search.
- Change Notifications
Can you provide more details on change notifications?
Through the Fisher Scientific SureTRACE program, we guarantee you’ll receive advance notice of changes impacting products without limitation through our Product Change Notifications (PCN) service, which will alert you about:
• Product discontinuations
• Changes to the manufacturing site
• Any other changes that might impact the quality, form, fit or function of the product
How do I receive change notifications for SureTRACE products?
Once you have made your first purchase of a SureTRACE product through the Fisher Scientific website, you will be asked whether you want to receive change notifications. Simply select Yes to opt-in to this service for all your SureTRACE orders. At this time, you will also be asked to provide an email address. To enter multiple email addresses, separate each one with a comma and a space. If you select No, the system will not ask you for any further confirmation on future orders. Watch our SureTRACE video to find out more.
For customers who place their orders indirectly from our website using platforms such as Ariba and Coupa i.e. punch out catalogues, once you have a SureTRACE product in your basket you will be asked whether you want to receive change notifications. Simply click the link to opt-in to this service for all your SureTRACE orders. At this time, you will be asked to provide an email address. To enter multiple email addresses, separate each one with a comma and a space. If you select cancel, you will be returned to the basket screen. Watch our SureTRACE video to find out more.
What should I do if I opt out of change notifications by mistake?
If you select No when asked if you want to receive change notifications during checkout, this message will not be displayed again and you will not receive change notifications. However, certificates for SureTRACE products will be automatically available as this service doesn’t require your enrollment. To modify your change notification preferences, please contact your local Customer Service Team.
For customers who place their orders indirectly from our website using platforms such as Ariba and Coupa i.e. punch out catalogues, the opt-in message for change notifications will display every time a SureTRACE product is in your basket. However, if you experience any problems please contact your local Customer Service Team.
What should I do if I don’t want to receive change notifications right now but may need them in the future?
When you place your first order that includes a SureTRACE product through the Fisher Scientific website, you’ll be asked whether you want to receive change notifications. If you select No, you will not be asked again. If you change your mind, please contact your local Customer Service Team. If you believe you may require change notifications in the future, simply close the pop-up message without selecting Yes or No. The pop-up message will display the next time you order a SureTRACE product. Certificates for SureTRACE products will be automatically available as this service doesn’t require your enrollment.
For customers who place their orders indirectly from our website using platforms such as Ariba and Coupa i.e. punch out catalogues, the opt-in message for change notifications will display every time a SureTRACE product is in your basket. However, if you experience any problems please contact your local Customer Service Team
- Change Notification Dashboard
Where can I view Change Notifications?
Change notifications will be available through the Change Notification Dashboard and will be visible for products purchased during the previous two years. Please be aware that you will only have access to this portal if you have opted-in to this service and have purchased a product from our Production Solutions portfolio. The Production Solutions portfolio encompasses products with enhanced traceability from both the SureTRACE and the SureTRACE+ program.
Why do I see Change Notifications from suppliers which are not part of the SureTRACE program?
Change notifications are visible in your Change Notifications Dashboard for all products from our Production Solutions portfolio. This portfolio represents products with enhanced traceability from our SureTRACE program as well as our value-added SureTRACE+ program. To learn more about our SureTRACE+ program please contact our Production Solutions Team.
Why can’t I view Change Notifications for all products from a SureTRACE supplier?
The Fisher Scientific channel has carefully selected key supplier partners to participate in the SureTRACE program based on their capabilities to support quick and easy access to certificates and change notifications. Selection into the SureTRACE program is based at product level and not the supplier level. Not all products within a supplier’s portfolio are viewed as critical products. However, if you wish to receive change notifications for any product, whether it is from a SureTRACE supplier or not, please contact our Production Solutions Team.
I wish to purchase a product which is not part of the SureTRACE program, how can I receive Change Notifications?
If the product you wish to purchase is not part of the SureTRACE program please contact our Production Solutions Team.